Atención: Es posible que tu sistema operativo no se detecte correctamente de forma automática. Es importante que selecciones manualmente tu sistema operativo (ver arriba) para asegurar que veas contenido compatible.


Otro software
Throw Distance Simulator
Throw Distance Simulator
Información adicional:

Throw Distance Simulator is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector. Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Mobile Apps
Epson Setting Assistant - iOS
Información adicional:

Epson Setting Assistant is an app that automatically corrects the shape of a projected image by taking pictures with your camera. Make sure your Android device and a projector that supports this app are connected to the same network. By taking a photo of the projected pattern, the app automatically corrects distortion in the projected image and adjusts its shape to match the screen.

Epson Setting Assistant - Android
Información adicional:

Epson Setting Assistant is an app that automatically corrects the shape of a projected image by taking pictures with your camera. Make sure your Android device and a projector that supports this app are connected to the same network. By taking a photo of the projected pattern, the app automatically corrects distortion in the projected image and adjusts its shape to match the screen.

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

Manuales y documentación

Manuales y documentación

Manual de usuario (v1.0)
2.18 MB
User's Guide (v1.0)
2.67 MB
Información adicional:
This manual provides you with information on how to use your product from setting up to troubleshooting.
Throw Distance Simulator (v1.0)
2.39 MB
Información adicional:

“Throw Distance Simulator” is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector.

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Registro y opciones de garantía

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